The importance of having auto roadside assistance…

Do you have auto roadside assistance with your auto insurance? If you don’t, it’s something you should think about adding. During this post I’m going to talk about the importance of auto roadside assistance and why you need it.


Ellen Edmonds at AAA was quoted in an AAA Newsroom article as saying, “Despite advances in vehicle technology, including maintenance reminders and other dashboard alerts designed to mitigate roadside trouble, AAA rescued a record-breaking 32 million drivers in 2015, with more battery, flat tire and key problems than ever before, a new study shows. Vehicles fewer than five years old in particular experienced a higher proportion of tire and key-related issues than older vehicles, suggesting that the trend toward eliminating the spare tire and moving to electronic keyless ignitions may have unintended consequences.” If you would like to read that article please click HERE or by browsing to this link…

Why would I need it?

It’s important to have because you can’t always plan for unexpected roadside emergencies. Auto roadside assistance will help you and your family in the time of need. Here are a few examples of when you would need roadside assistance:

  • Flat tire
  • Dead battery
  • Car stuck in snow, ice, mud or sand.
  • Engine won’t start.

I can just fix it myself or call a friend or family member.

Many people believe that they can just fix the issue or call a friend or family member for help if a roadside emergency happens. While you can certainly do that, what if the friend or family member is unavailable and they don’t answer the call? What if you are out of town while the emergency happens? Does your wife and kids that drive know how to fix a flat tire, charge a dead battery or engine that won’t start? These are just a few reasons that could happen where calling a friend or family member is not the best option as having auto roadside assistance.


Isn’t it expensive to have auto roadside assistance?

Actually no it’s very inexpensive to have auto roadside assistance on your auto insurance policy and it will save you a lot of money in the long run when you use it. If you have to call a tow truck/mechanic for any service it will be much more expensive if you don’t have auto roadside assistance. Adding this feature on your auto insurance can save you hundreds of dollars each time you use it.

Additional protection…

There are also many ways to protect your and your family in addition to auto roadside assistance thus adding a second layer of protection. This would include keeping roadside safety products in your car at all times. Please review our earlier blog posts that talks about these products in more detail and how they can help you. These include items like:

  • Tire traction devices like The Portable Tow Truck – The Ultimate Tire Traction Device
  • Car safety kits
  • Sport Utility Shovels
  • Portable tire inflators
  • Portable battery chargers.


Your best move forward…

Your best move, when it comes to protecting you and your family during a roadside emergency, is to have auto roadside assistance on your auto insurance policy and also keeping car safety products in your car at all times. By doing both of these you are truly preparing for the unexpected while also saving a lot of money if you ever need to use the service or products. Explore the rest of our site to get a better idea about our tire traction mats along with car safety products and call your insurance company and add auto roadside assistance if you don’t already have it and protect you and your family today.


Now it’s your turn to get the best tire traction device…

Don’t delay your familes safety. Visit our WEBSITE and then our BUY NOW page and get best tire traction device on the market today. It pays for itself after one use and saves you time and money while providing safety for your family when needed. Still don’t believe us? If you dont want to take our word on it then take our customers words.



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